dimanche 23 mars 2014

Working for the rat race

Le der des der

J’ai pris le dernier train du vendredi/Took the last train on friday evening/Ik heb in de laatste trein op vrijdagavond gepakt

Liebster Award

So, I’ve been invited to take part to the Liebster Award. The idea is that the award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers or something. I got eleven questions from this friend’s creative blog, have to say eleven things about me, and I have to keep going.

Passing this to CécileJodyMarineValentineMartin,JustineLukasThijsAlexander, Tamaniss, Jana.

Questions are : What were you listening to when you were a kid? Where would you rather live? What is you secret (as in awkward) talent? What is your secret dance move? What movie changed your life? Up to the hills or down in the valley? You can invite six persons, dead or alive, to have lunch with you, who would you pick? What relation do you have with your job/studies? Something special that we should listen to? Can you reveal one favorite thing of yours? What is your sunday outfit?

La naissance du petit S.

mardi 4 mars 2014


Aujourd’hui à propos d’un de mes films préférés/vandaag over een van mijn favoriete films/today about one of my favorite movies

Little houses

Eye of the tiger!

Hé salut, en fait je vais suivre l’exemple de Charlotte et essayer de poster un dessin (ou quelque chose en rapport avec) chaque jour! 
Hoi! Gewoon om te zeggen dat ik het idee van Charlotte ga volgen en elke dag een tekening proberen te delen.
Hey! Just to say that I’m gonna follow Charlotte’s lead, and try to post a drawing every day.